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Activities of Daily Living Sequencing Videos
We know that everyone completes the same activity in a way that is unique to them - take making a cup of tea for example; do you put the milk or tea in first? Do you use tea leaves or a bag? In order to make our sequencing songs useful, we have created different versions of the same song to try to accommodate the different ways the same task can be completed, just pick the version that works best for you and your family.
Some of the songs, such as brushing your teeth and getting dressed are in real time to help make the songs more useful.
Please get in touch with feedback about how helpful the sequencing songs are so that we can continue to improve them. If there are any sequences that a member of your family finds challenging to complete, let us know and we’ll do our best to make more songs.
A massive thank you to the lovely practitioners at Chilton Music Therapy who helped us with this project by lending us their musical talent and music therapy knowledge to make these songs as good as they can be.
We have also added some information on Sensory Circuits and Sleeping Patterns, these can be found at the bottom of the page. You can download or print the information, allowing you to keep and refer to it whenever you need to.
Making Breakfast - Cereal - Using the Sink
This video animation supports the sequencing of making breakfast cereal and using the sink to clear away the items.
Making Breakfast - Cereal - Using the Dishwasher
This video animation supports the sequencing of making breakfast cereal and using the dishwasher to clear away the items.
Making Breakfast - Toast - Using the Sink
This video animation supports the sequencing of making toast and using the sink to clear away the items.
Making Breakfast - Toast - Using the Dishwasher
This video animation supports the sequencing of making toast and using the sink to clear away the items.
Washing your Face
This video animation supports the sequencing of how to wash and clean your face.
Washing your Hair, Face and Body
This video animation supports the sequencing of washing your hair, face and whole body.
Brushing your Teeth
This video animation is to hep with the sequencing of brushing your teeth.
Getting Dressed - Wearing a Skirt - Vest as underwear
This video animation is to hep with the sequencing of getting dressed. It is designed for those children who wear a vest under their clothing and have chosen to wear a skirt.
Getting Dressed - Wearing Trousers - Vest as underwear
This video animation is to hep with the sequencing of getting dressed. It is designed for those children who wear a vest under their clothing and have chosen to wear trousers.
Getting dressed - Wearing a Skirt - Bra as underwear
This video animation is to hep with the sequencing of getting dressed. It is designed for those children who wear a bra under their clothing and have chosen to wear a skirt.
Getting Dressed - Wearing Trousers - Bra as underwear
This video animation is to hep with the sequencing of getting dressed. It is designed for those children who wear a bra under their clothing and have chosen to wear trousers.
Packing your School Bag
This video animation is designed to help support the sequencing of packing your bag ready for school.